
Hire the best students with virtual campus recruiting events

Host virtual campus recruiting events to meet students face-to-face without having to travel.

Hellohire Speed Interviewing Platform

Trusted by talent acquisition teams, large and small

KFC logo
TalentMinded logo
mlse logo
Motion logo
Pizza Hut logo
Provision logo

Share what it’s like to work at your company

Showcase your company culture, vision, values, and what makes your organization great.

Hellohire employer branding page
Hellohire speed interview video chat

Meet students face-to-face over live video

Conduct screening interviews, take notes and rate students. When a recruiter completes an interview, the next one starts automatically.

Exceed your diversity hiring goals

Open up your doors to any college or university, not just the ones on your usual roadshow. Fill your recruiting funnel with diverse students.

diverse candidate boxes

Want to attract and hire the best students?

Host virtual campus recruiting events to meet more students face-to-face over live video.

Get a recruiting assistant that doesn't take lunch breaks, entirely for free

Complete the form below to gain instant access to the set-up process

**Your information is safe and secure with us. We will never share your information. Unsubscribe anytime.