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How Altis Recruitment tripled their interview rate

Altis Recruitments’ VP of Transformation and Growth enabled her bulk hiring team to meet with and place qualified candidates faster by eliminating administrative overhead.


Ottawa, Canada


Staffing Agency




Staffing, Recruitment, Professional Services


Ottawa, Canada


Staffing Agency




Staffing, Recruitment, Professional Services

Customer Profile

Kristina Jokinen is the Vice President of Transformation and Growth at Altis Recruitment and has 25+ years of experience in recruiting and staffing. Altis Recruitment has been a leader in recruitment services and HR support across various sectors since 1989.  With over 200 team members, they support 2,900 clients in IT, construction, engineering, finance, accounting, and healthcare, delivering over 8,500 high-performing candidates annually in the private and public sectors.

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Altis Recruitment’s leading KPI is interviews per week. Prior to Hellohire, the bulk hiring team was conducting approximately 10 interviews per week, on average.

Kristina’s bulk hiring team spent a significant amount of time reviewing and attempting to contact a large volume of applicants in order to gauge interest and decide whether the applicant was a good fit. With so much time devoted to each candidate, a no-show at an interview means a significant amount of time was wasted. Multiply that effort over the number of no-shows for a given position and you’ve got dozens of hours of lost time and effort.

Also, interviews would be scattered between other administrative work so there was a lot of context switching which has been proven to have a negative impact on the quality of work. 

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By implementing the Hellohire platform and process, Altis Recruitment was able:


  • Pre-screen candidates with questionnaires, which ensured that they were only meeting with qualified and interested candidates.
  • Streamline the interview scheduling process, allowing candidates to schedule and reschedule themselves while eliminating all of the back and forth communication that recruiters previously had to do.  Also the smart scheduler dramatically reduced no shows.
  • Focus time for interviews, allowing them to get into an interview flow, improving interview quality and candidate experience.  And because Hellohire automatically generates transcripts and insights from interviews, they were able to be more present in the interviews.

Old Process

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Receive applications
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Review resumes
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Contact candidates
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Phone screens
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First interview
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New Process

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Receive applications
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Invite to pre-screen
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Short video interviews
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The Altis Recruitment experienced incredible results by using Hellohire:

  • Tripled their interviews per week and the bulk hiring team is now averaging 30 interviews per week, with some people doing even more.  
  • Eliminated administrative tasks like screening and scheduling.
  • Increased their fill ratio as they’re able to place candidates faster, which is especially meaningful for roles with short turnaround times. 
  • Improved recruiter and candidate experience.  They both love it.
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“We’ve tripled the amount of interviews we’re doing so that’s a huge return on investment for us. Both the recruiting team and our candidates love it.”

– Kristina Jokinen, VP, Transformation & Growth

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