Are Digital Interviews right for you Hiring Process?

woman working on laptop

Digital interviews are a modern method used by employers to interview candidates. In this type of interview, a recruiter prepares questions with the candidate responding at a later time through a recording. Their recordings are then sent to the recruiter for screening.

A digital interview shares many similarities with a video interview, but the main difference is that it’s not done in real-time. It’s not a face-to-face meeting whereby the employer and the candidate can see each other. Instead, a candidate sends a recorded response, and an employer can review it at their convenience.

The Process of Digital Interviews

A digital interview has a process like every other form of interview. The process is as follows:

  • The candidate will be given questions and will record their answers in a video.
  • The candidate can can set up a video camera to record their response from any location using the equipment they have available to on-hand.
  • After recording their responses, the video gets sent to the recruiter for review.

A candidate should choose a suitable setting for the interview and dress correctly, just like in a video or in-person interview. It is advised to follow standard interview protocol because recruiters will watch the video and check for this.

Digital Interviews vs. Video Interviews

While both forms of interview share similarities, there are two major differences.

Mode of Operation

The mode of operation sets the two apart. A digital interview is not conducted in real-time. This means the recruiter and the candidate do not communicate simultaneously. As for the video interview, both parties communicate at the same time. Furthermore, in a digital interview, the questions are prepared and embedded in an online interview platform where the candidate reads and provides answers. In the case of a video interview, the interviewer asks the questions directly, and a response follows from the candidate.

Manner of Conversation

The manner of conversation is also different. In video interviews, the candidate and recruiter will see each other live and face to face. As for the digital interview, both parties will never see each other face to face. It’s likely only the recruiter sees the candidate via the recorded video. In some cases, the candidate may also see the interviewer if an individual recorded the questions via video recording. Whatever mode it takes, the candidate and recruiter never get to see face to face.

Downsides of Digital Interviews

A digital interview may ease the job of recruiters, but there are disadvantages. These issues affect both the candidate and employer. A candidate may not give the best performance for some reasons examined below. Meanwhile, the issues can also make businesses miss out on top talents. Here are some main issues:

Poor Candidate Experience

Poor candidate experience affects both the candidate and employer. Many applicants are familiar with the traditional style of an interview. Speaking to an interviewer, asking questions, and studying the room, helps the individual feel comfortable and allows them to better assess the job opportunity. Additionally, many candidates are not familiar with the digital interview. They have concerns about how to conduct themselves or may want to ask questions if anything is unclear. Many may struggle with sounding genuine since they can’t see the recruiter. All which can affect a candidate’s experience.

No Real Conversation

Digital interviews don’t feel as natural as having a conversation. Lack of conversation doesn’t allow you to properly see a candidate’s communication skills. Hence, a recruiter needs to take the time to ask a few questions in real-time. This also shows they are interested in hiring the best possible candidate for the job. If your recruiting team is not making the time to meet face to face with the candidates, it can send the candidates the wrong message of disinterest.

No real conversation happens between the recruiter and the candidate. A digital interview is simply a question-and-answer session with no real discussion or back-and-worth. This is big disadvantage because recruiters miss the opportunity to know a candidate better. Recruiters cannot ask additional questions to get a better read on the candidate.

Recruiters may want to ask questions in the moment to clarify a response or understand the candidate better. And this goes both ways. Some questions may be difficult to understand. A candidate may want to ask further questions to understand them better. Since discussions don’t happen during the digital interview, the candidate and recruiter may misunderstand each other or not know the candidate well enough to gauge their fit for the role. This can lead to the possibility of missing out on hiring the best person for the job.

The Alternative

While the digital interview may seem like the easy way out, it can affect the hiring process. A good alternative is video interviews. Video interview provides a recruiter with real-time conversations. While it’s not an in-person interview, it’s an excellent interview method. It’s an efficient method of candidate screening.

Video interviews offer similar benefits as digital interviews, plus even more benefits. It gives you the chance to personally meet your candidates and offer them an overall better experience. It also helps employers to interview people from any location. For example, an employer looking to employ international candidates can use a video interview. The candidates will not need to travel many miles for the interview. They won’t need to spend on flight tickets and visa applications or local travel costs. Video interviews are one of the best methods for hiring the most suitable candidate.

Video Interview Methods

One of the reasons why digital interviews have become popular is their efficiency in getting through the initial round of candidate screening. But, synchronous video interviews can do this too, and better! For example, if an employer receives applications from hundreds of candidates, a full video interview may not be feasible due to time constraints, but Speed Video Interviews help highlight the outstanding applicants quickly. After a speed interview, a longer and more in-depth interview will be warranted and more time efficient.

Finding the right online interview platform can ensure that you and your candidates have a great experience.

Do you want the efficiency of a digital interview but with a candidate experience you can be proud of? Hellohire is an online interview platform that offers the best experience for online interviews. You can get the best digital interview channel to help hire the best people for your job. Request a free demo today to get started.